Pigeons, Foxes, Rabbits, Moles & Other Pests

Local, Rapid Treatment in Nottingham

Pigeons & Other Pests – Your Local Quick Service in Nottingham

At Mr Mann Pest Services I offer a bespoke, discreet and cost affective pest control solution to deal with feral pigeon. If you have a problem with pigeon, contact me now for advice including a free quote to get your treatment started quickly. Below is further information and some useful facts relating to pigeon and the issues they create.


Pigeon Damage and Control


Feral pigeons are now found in all towns and cities throughout the UK and with their dependence on humans for food this has led them in becoming a serious pest and public health risk.


Feral pigeons descended from domesticated strains of Rock Dove and the wild breeding population is supplemented by escaped racing and homing pigeons and have quickly adapted to their urban life extremely well.  Feral pigeons make their nests in sheltered, protected sites on buildings, both occupied and derelict, in roof spaces and eves on building structures. Their nest is flimsy and crudely made using twigs, feathers, grass and waste plastic. If conditions are favourable pigeons can have as many as seven broods per year, resulting in a very quick increase in their numbers and the associated problems this will bring. With pigeons comes the mess they create with their dropping, which if not controlled can lead to slips and trips to both you, staff and other visitors. Also, the droppings can lead to a serious risk to public health and pigeon droppings are known to carry numerous and dangerous diseases numbering over 110 pathogens, 8 viruses, 55 types of fungi, 41 known types of bacteria and 6 types of protozoa. As such it is very important to get professional advice quickly as soon as you start noticing pigeons using your home or business.  At Mr Mann Pest Services I offer pigeon clearance programmes (Culling and Trapping), cleaning and disinfection, proofing including netting and spiking options.


Remember Mr Mann Pest Services are contactable 24-hours a day and open 7-days a week.

A single adult pigeon

Fox – Pest Control Information


At Mr Mann Pest Services I offer a bespoke, discreet and affective pest control service to deal with problem foxes and hold an open firearms certificate and the appropriate insurance. If you have a problem with a fox contact me now for advice and a free quote and to get your treatment started quickly. Below is further information and some useful facts relating to fox and the issues they create.


The Fox Year

  • January – Fox mating season – this is when you will hear foxes calling (haunting screaming cry)
  • February – Vixen seeks breeding area and in urban this could be under a shed, decking etc
  • March – Vixen gives birth to her cubs – Dog fox brings food to den
  • April – Cubs start to emerge from their den – Adults start to moult
  • May – Cubs start eating solid foods – this is when domestic chickens, ducks and even caged rabbits are at most risk
  • June – Breeding den abandoned – Vixen finishes lactating
  • July – Cubs lie up above ground in vegetation – adults bring less food
  • August – Cubs capable of foraging for themselves – adults may move away from the cubs
  • September – Cubs now reach fully size and will look like an adult fox at this stage
  • October – Family group will split up
  • November – Much more fighting between sub-adults and adults over territory
  • December – Foxes become very focal and actively defend their territory as mating season approaches


Conflict with Humans


Many of the complaints made against foxes can initially be for nuisance reasons rather than damage, however foxes can dig holes and scent as they dig in your beautiful gardens and grassed areas. The most common reason for calling in a pest control professional is following the taking of livestock, including game birds, chickens, domestic pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs and rarely foxes have been known to take very young and old cats, however a healthy strong cat will chase of most foxes.


Rabbit Pest Control Information


At Mr Mann Pest Services I offer a bespoke, discreet and affective pest control service to deal with Rabbits. If you have a problem with Rabbits contact me now for advice and a free quote to get your treatment started quickly before things get out of control. Below I have added some useful facts relating to rabbit and the problems they create.


Rabbits belong to the order of Lagomorpha (Lagomorphs) and are NOT rodents as many would believe. Rabbits live communally, usually in a system of burrows known as a warren. Some or more of the entrances may be hidden away in deep vegetation. In urban areas they can burrow under buildings and outhouses. Rabbits prefer short grassed areas such as large gardens, horse paddocks and other grazing areas. Rabbits are usually nocturnal but if left undisturbed can be seen in the daytime. The female is known as a Doe and the male rabbit is known as a buck and live in small hierarchical systems with dominant Bucks and Does. The main breeding season runs from January through to August, but some animals will breed out of these times. Rabbits are sexually mature as early as three to four months and can have four or five litters each year averaging five young per litter.


Rabbit Damage and Control


Damage is mainly due to their digging and feeding habits and in some extreme cases while digging their burrows, which can undermine embankments and cause structural damage to buildings. More commonly, burrows and scrapes damage the surface of high-quality and prized grassed areas such as your much-loved garden, grazing land, golf courses, bowling greens etc. the eating habits of rabbits can also cause a nuisance and can in some cases cause expensive damage to expensive crops and trees. The burrows and tunnels can be particularly dangerous in and around horse and other livestock paddocks, where in some cases horses can break limbs by placing their feet into an exposed burrow or tunnel, usually resulting in the animal being euthanised.

Rabbit control can be undertaken in a variety of methods and this can be very specific to your particular environment and needs.  As such in most cases I will need to come along and complete a free survey and quote offering the best method of control.


Mole Pest Control Information


At Mr Mann Pest Services I offer a bespoke pest control service to deal with Moles. If you have a problem with moles contact me for advice and a free quote. Below I have added some useful facts relating to Moles and the issues that can arise.


The mole is very abundant throughout mainland Britain, however absent from Ireland and some offshore islands. Moles are strictly solitary in their habits and live entirely underground in a complex tunnel system that may cover an average of 400-1,600 square metres (0.396 of an acre)


Moles feed mostly on earthworms but will also on various other invertebrates including slugs and insect larvae. The most create tunnels to basically catch their prey as they drop into the tunnels. Moles are usually active and looking for food in Four – hourly cycles with a four-hour sleep break 24 hours a day.  The breeding season lasts from February to June and there is usually one litter per year in the Spring, but if conditions are suitable a second litter will be produced in the summer. The male (Boar) and the Female (Sow) generally only come together in the breeding season. After a four-week gestation period their babies are born blind, usually in litters of 3-4. Baby moles develop quickly and can leave the family nest in as little of four-weeks.


Damage and Control – Pest Control information


Moles feed on mainly earthworms and as such will target grassed areas and agricultural land to dig their tunnels causing unsightly to grassed areas in your garden or farmland. The mole hills and tunnels can in turn be dangerous for livestock particularly horses as they can place their foot into a tunnel and twist or even break a bone. Livestock such as cattle, sheep and other livestock can be affected by eating the contaminated soil in haylage (grass) resulting in Listeriosis which can kill numerous animals at a time. Also, stones brought to the surface during the formation of mole hills can damage blades of mowing equipment, resulting in expensive repairs or lost worktime.


For further information, a free survey and quotation can be offered, please call me or send a message through my contact form.